Project number: SSM2020-6230 (int. 014)
Project 014. A set of measurement instruments for characterization of radioactive waste (RW) to be formed at FSUE “Atomflot”
Project 014. A set of measurement instruments for characterization of radioactive waste (RW) to be formed at FSUE “Atomflot”
Project summary

The project aimed to enhance radiation safety for both people and the environment at regional and global levels. Its implementation significantly improved the accuracy and tracking of radioactive materials (RW) generated at or transported through FSUE “Atomflot”.

The previously used instruments at Atomflot were over 20 years old, technically outdated, and lacked collimators, resulting in low-resolution measurements. Moreover, they did not meet the requirements set by Russian regulatory authorities. By upgrading to modern, high-precision equipment, the project ensured compliance with safety standards and strengthened nuclear material monitoring capabilities.

Technical area

Characterization of radioactive waste

Beneficiary / recipient organisation(s)

Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Atomflot»

Funding country
Funding organisation

Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)

Project cost

207 026,65 EUR

Project leaders

Programme manager: Pavel Tishakov


Procurement info

The Agreement was implemented through Canberra-Packard Trading Corporation, LLC (Canberra), a producer of measurement instruments, with whom Nordisk Sikkerhet had a contractual relationship for such services.

Participating organizations
  • Nordisk Sikkerhet AS - project implementer;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) "Atomflot"- recipient/beneficiary/project partner;
  • Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) - project donor, assistance with project registration as international technical assistance.
Start/completion dates

October 2019 – April 2021



Project financing agreement between for implementation of this project was signed by SSM and Nordisk Sikkerhet
Nordisk Sikkerhet AS sent official letter to Atomflot notifying about beginning of the project and suggesting to conduct a meeting between Nordisk Sikkerhet and Atomflot for detailed planning and preparation for beginning of the project
Nordisk Sikkerhet, Atomflot, and Radico (official distributor of Canberra equipment in Russia) signed the contract
Nordisk Sikkerhet and Atomflot received notification from Radico about readiness for shipment of the spectrometer equipment to Atomflot
All equipment needed for the project implementation was delivered to FSUE “Atomflot” in Murmansk
The equipment pre-commissioning, start-up, adjustment works, acceptance tests, and training of Atomflot employees were carried out on the territory of Atomflot in Murmansk using SLW located at Atomflot
Equipment hand-over ceremony and official closing of projects “3rd stage of physical protection systems’ modernization at perimeter of FSUE «Atomflot»“ (joint Norwegian-Swedish project) and “A set of measurement instruments for characterization of solid radioactive waste (SRW) to be formed at FSUE “Atomflot” “ (Swedish project) were conducted at FSUE “Atomflot”, Murmansk, Russia. SSM representatives Björn Dverstorp, Viviana Sandberg, Zlatan Delalic participated at the event together with DSA representatives Ingar Amundsen, Naeem Ul Syed, Bredo Møller. This event was also represented by consul Håkon Moe from the General Consulate of Norway in Murmansk, Anatoly Grigoriev from Rosatom, Mustafa Kashka – Atomflot’s director general, other Atomflot and Nordisk Sikkerhet’s officials and Russian media
Main results

The successful implementation of this project has significantly enhanced radiation safety at FSUE "Atomflot" by modernizing its radioactive waste (RW) characterization capabilities. With the installation of a state-of-the-art multichannel gamma spectrometer, Atomflot can now ensure greater accuracy and compliance with regulatory standards. The newly installed spectrometer provides high-precision measurement tools, including advanced detectors, shielding systems, and calibration software, enabling improved waste classification and control.

Photos and videos
Media publications:
Итоги рабочей встречи со странами Скандинавии по вопросам радиационной безопасности
В Росатомфлоте представили проекты, реализованные в рамках международной технической помощи
В Росатомфлоте представили проекты, реализованные в рамках международной технической помощи
Relevant projects:
Last update:

27 January 2025

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