Nordisk Sikkerhet AS assisted the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine by providing the staff at the Mukachevskyi border detachment located on the Ukrainian border with Hungary and Romania with the technical means and training for nuclear and radiological materials control. The Mukachevskyi border detachment controls six border checkpoints and 137 km of the green border between the checkpoints. It was in need of hand-held detectors, isotope identification devices, personal dosimeters, mobile automated radiation complex, mobile decontamination complex, and personal protective equipment.
Non-proliferation of radiological and nuclear (RN) materials
State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine;
Mukachevskyi Border Detachment of SBGS;
Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) via the Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for Nuclear Activities and the Environment in the Northern Areas for 2013-2017;
6 552 773 Norwegian Kroners;
Programme manager: Pavel Tishakov
Project manager/project support in Ukraine: Pavel Lebedev
NorSik and SBGS prepared for and conducted five open tenders for procurement of the equipment to be supplied within a scope of the project. All tender documents were openly published on the public procurement website in Norway -, on the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) public procurement website in Europe, and on the Nordisk Sikkerhet’s website:
1). Tender for supply of mobile automated radiation complex: (Doffin, #2016-318607), EU Tenders Electronic Daily (#2016/S 041-068425);
2). Tender for supply of mobile decontamination complex: Doffin (#2016-646124), EU Tenders Electronic Daily (#2016/S 056-095063);
3). Tender for supply of isotope identification devices (gamma spectrometers): Doffin (#2016-289812), EU Tenders Electronic Daily (#2016/S 111-198558);
4). Tender for supply of RN material hand-held detectors and personal dosimeters: Doffin (#2016-408843), EU Tenders Electronic Daily (#2016/S 053-089782);
5). Tender for supply of personal protective equipment: Doffin (#2016-081090), EU Tenders Electronic Daily (#2016/S 100-179643).
In total 15 offers from 9 various organisations from Lithuania, Slovakia, and Ukraine were received and evaluated by Nordisk Sikkerhet. A total of five tender evaluation reports (one for each tender) were prepared by the Nordisk Sikkerhet experts, which served as a basis for award of the corresponding equipment supply contracts.
- Nordisk Sikkerhet AS - project implementor;
- Administration of State Border Guard Service (SBGS) of Ukraine - beneficiary / project partner;
- Mukachevskyi border detachment of SBGS - recipient;
- Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) - project donor, assistance with project registration as international technical assistance;
- Ukrainian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade - project registration as international technical assistance.
Jul 2015 – Feb 2017
All the equipment, e.g. 1 mobile automated radiation complex; 1 mobile decontamination complex (a fully equipped mobile unit with all components and chemicals necessary for quick decontamination of material and persons), 44 electronic dosimeters, 28 detectors, 5 isotope identification devices, 44 protective suits and masks were produced, tested, delivered, commissioned, and handed over to the Mukachevskyi border detachment.
The Project established the detection and mitigation capability of the SBGS to help prevent and manage the illicit trafficking of nuclear and radiological material through the vulnerable Ukrainian border with Hungary and Romania.
- Project 08. RN material detection, dosimetry, decontamination equipment and training for Lisichansk border detachement, SBGS, Ukraine(project nr.760a (int. 08), 30/08/2023)
- Project 04. RN material detection, protection, dosimetry equipment and training for Zhytomyrskyi border detachment, SBGS, Ukraine(project nr.753 (int. 04), 24/01/2024)
- Project 17. Post-detection equipment and training for Lisichansk unit of Luhansk border detachment, SBGS, Ukraine(project nr.781 (int. 17), 18/07/2023)
22 February 2023
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